You have just finished an awesome, sweaty, pumping workout. Now you must decide what to eat and refuel your muscles. Worst thing you can do is not eat; you will only undo your hard work. In order to maximise results from your workout you should be aiming to consume a meal within an hour. This should consist of protein and carbohydrates. My carbohydrates of choice are quinoa, sweet potato or pumpkin. While good fats are an essential part of your diet they should be limited in post workout nutrition. Fats slow down transit time through the stomach and this will slow digestion and absorption and your muscles need nutrients rapidly. There is no set rule for how I eat meals I tend to mix and match what is in the fridge and what suits my needs at that time. My plate can look like a pick ‘n’ mix bag. Load your plate up with veggies, make it look like a kaleidoscope of colours. This post contains three post workout recipes to help you stay on track to achieving your health and fitness goals.
Oven Baked Salmon with a Rainbow Salad
“To enjoy the glow of good health, you must exercise”, Gene Tunney.
1 Salmon Fillet
Lettuce, any kind, roughly chopped
½ Pepper, yellow or red
4-5 Cherries
Handful Blueberries
Cucumber, thin slices
Flaked Almonds, toasted
Salad Dressing
3-4 tablespoons Cold Pressed Olive Oil
1 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon Rice Syrup/Honey
1/2 Orange, juice only
1 Orange Slice
Coarse Sea Salt
Fresh Ground Pepper
- Preheat oven at 180 degrees.
- Lin foil with coconut oil, place salmon on top and season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Place on a baking tray. Bake for 12-15 minutes until salmon is cooked thoroughly.
- Cut yellow/red pepper into chunks and place under a medium heat grill. Allow to soften and brown. Cut into strips for the salad. Next, place 1 tbsp. flaked almonds on a baking tray and toast until lightly brown, set aside until ready to serve.
- Wash and chop all salad ingredients and place pop onto your serving plate.
- Salad Dressing: Pop all ingredients except orange slice in a bowl and whisk until rice syrup is dissolved and emulsified. Add orange slice at the end. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside and serve with meal. Spoon it over your salad. Store any leftover dressing in a glass jar in the fridge.
- Once everything is ready , plate up and nourish your body.
Protein Punch: Pumpkin & Cacao Smoothie
This post workout Smoothie is great to help way to replenish your muscles. It contains pumpkin, banana, coconut water, raw cacao and cinnamon. To boost the protein content you could add a scoop of whey isolate protein (chocolate or vanilla flavour) or one raw egg. A brand I am fond of in South Africa is Absolute Organix they sell a whey isolate or a raw vegan protein powder. If sourcing pumpkin is difficult use sweet potato puree as an alternative. Sweet Potato puree is made the same way as pumpkin puree. You can store it in the fridge in an airtight container. It works really nice in coconut flour pancakes too.
Pumpkin is a great source of beta carotene, potassium and copper. Adding a banana to a post workout Smoothie will help energize your body, it is packed with potassium an electrolyte. Electrolyte restoration is paramount after a workout. Coconut water adds a nice sweet flavour and is a low fructose drink, full of electrolytes to rehydrate the body. The cacao powder will give the Smoothie a chocolate flavour and is a powerhouse of antioxidants.
2 tablespoons Pumpkin Puree (visit how to make Pumpkin Puree)
½ Banana
1 cup Coconut Water
1-2 teaspoon Raw Cacao Powder
½ tsp. Cinnamon
*optional: 1 scoop Whey Isolate Protein or Raw Vegan Protein Powder
- Pop in blender, blitz until smooth consistency. Pour in a glass and add some ice.
Basil Omelette with Grilled Tomatoes, Goats Cheese & Homemade Pesto
Eggs are a great addition to your fridge. They are very versatile and can used in sweet and savoury dishes.
Basil Omelette
2 Free Range Eggs
Handful Fresh Basil Leaves
Pinch Pink Rock Salt
Black Pepper
Sprinkle Goats Cheese on top, can be omitted
Grilled Cherry Tomatoes
Coriander & Basil Pesto
Large handful Coriander
Large handful Basil
1 Garlic Clove
1 small Chilli, de-seeded
1 tsp. Cumin Seeds or Powder
1 tablespoon Unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar ( I use Braggs or Biona)
1/2 cup Cold Pressed Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper to season
- Basil Omelette: Pop eggs, basil and seasoning into a food processor/blender and blitz until combined. On a medium heat pan, melt ½ tsp. coconut oil and pour omelette mixture into the pan. Cook for about 4-5 minutes or until the egg is set and firm, toss some goats cheese on top. Place under a medium heat grill and lightly brown the top of the omelette.
- Grilled Tomatoes: Line an oven dish with tin foil and pop in a handful of cherry tomatoes. Place under the grill at medium temperature and grill tomatoes until they blister. I like to brown the skin. I love the taste. I usually store any leftover tomatoes in an airtight container in the fridge and use them in salads.
- Coriander & Basil Pesto: Chop chilli and peel garlic. Pop all ingredients into food processor and blitz until combined. Pour into a glass jar and store in the fridge until ready to serve. It will keep in the fridge for a week and you can add it to salads, chicken, beef or your favourite fish. I like to mix it into my cauliflower mash for extra flavour.
WIth these recipes you will be on the right path to fighting fit and keeping your body nourished. Be sure to keep me posted if you try and test these recipes by posting on Twitter: @WhelehanLynne or Instagram: @makeandbakefromscratch
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